OuR imPACt


We support people and communities around the world.

OuR teAm

Our team members are the backbone of our operations and are at the root of every decision we make. They’re located around the world, but together make one team.


team members worldwide


third party growers


of our workers worldwide are involved with labor organizations


of team members and third-parties are covered by an Occupational Health & Safety (or similar) management system

we ARe COmmunitieS

At Fresh Del Monte, we have a global footprint—and a global community.

We provide jobs, develop infrastructure, increase access to healthcare and education, and more. When individual communities succeed, our global community succeeds. When our global community succeeds, we all succeed.


We provide for our people at work and
in their communities.


Access to health services is key to a thriving community. We fund clinics and medical centers in our sourcing regions (such as Central America, Africa, and the Philippines), contribute to increased medical infrastructure, and support local organizations.


Education can increase quality of life and prevent poverty. We ensure there is a school near our farming communities—and if not, we build one ourselves. We support and maintain more than 50 schools in our sourcing regions, such as Central America, Africa, and the Philippines.

Lifelong Learning

We have the Fresh Del Monte Academy, which provides team members with learning and development programs at a global, regional, and local level through online tools, presentations, guides,
e-courses, and functional training.


There are certain things every community needs. We build roads, schools, hospitals, libraries, places of worship, and other public spaces in collab- oration with local governments in our sourcing regions to ensure the communities’ needs are met.

Clean water

Safe and reliable water sources need to be protected. We work with local organizations to preserve and clean natural water sources so communities in and around our sourcing regions have access.

Disaster relief

Unexpected disasters need quick actions. After natural disasters, we provide financial support to relief efforts and our team members volunteer their time and resources.

we FunD 45 CLiniCS AnD meDiCAL CenteRS in OuR SOuRCinG REGIONS

we also support and maintain more than 50 schools
in our sourcing regions

OuR DiFFeRenCeS mAke uS StROnGeR

As a global company, we employ people around the world. One of our greatest strengths is the diverse backgrounds and thoughts each team member brings. We provide an inclusive workplace where these differences are celebrated and everyone feels welcome to be themselves.

A CuLtuRe OF weLL-BeinG

We want our team members to feel valued, empowered, and safe. Their well-being is our priority.

Culture of

We are committed to building a culture where all our team members around the world are empowered to express, learn, actively participate, and give back.

Care &

We are committed to ensuring that all our team members around the world feel cared for.


We are committed to ensuring that team members are equitably rewarded for their contributions.

Safe at

We are committed to ensuring that we comply with applicable laws, rules, and regulations. We continuously review our policies, procedures, and practices, and make changes that help protect the safety of our workforce.

Free to
be themselves

We are committed to building a workforce that reflects the marketplaces where we do business — where everyone feels appreciated, free to be themselves, and like they

emPLOYee enGAGement

We have team members all over the world, but we’re one team. We want to be united in how we work, so we are actively increasing collaboration throughout our regions and operations, developing more opportunities for training and development, and creating fluid lines of communication.

LeARninG & DeveLOPment

We want our team members to succeed and we support their growth however we can. We provide training programs through the Fresh Del Monte Academy to help our team members reach their professional goals. The Fresh Del Monte Academy has self development courses for team members to advance their current careers, or learn about different career paths.

wORk with uS

Help us further with our mission to provide wholesome
foods to our communities around the world.

join our team